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A Little About Me

Hello! I’m Louisa and I’m a, Edinburgh yoga teacher and business owner of Humming Tree Yoga. I thought I’d do a wee intro for any new followers to my pages.

Yoga Teacher Edinburgh standing outside smiling
Yoga Teacher Edinburgh

I believe everyone needs yoga, whether they know it or not. Maybe they’ve never tried it, maybe they went to one class, didn’t like the teacher or style and never went back again. The amount yoga has helped me through different life stages, I cannot imagine my life now without it.

I started practising when I was 14 with a good friend at my local gym. I then met my husband at 16 and it fell by the wayside a little for a few years… finding it again at university through the stress of exams in my final year. I started to build up a more regular yoga practice in the following years and through conception and my pregnancies. My second was 2 weeks old when I decided yoga needed to be a bigger part of my life. I became fascinated postnatally with how yoga can be a beautiful low impact activity to help rebuild your body whilst bonding with baby. I wanted to share my experience and knowledge I’d gained with others and bring the peace and balance it gave me to others in my community.

I started my business early 2020 (I had no idea what was coming…), and it’s grown and grown since then. I really wanted to keep my yoga accessible to beginners and believe this is still true to this day. I now run day or weekend retreats, on demand classes, an online shop and well as being trained a kids yoga teacher, with a few extras up my sleeve that I’m working on 😉

As much as yoga has helped me physically in recent years, I love mindfulness and my personal practice is more for mental clarity and peace. With young kids at home, I’ll take anything I can get. I actually find teaching pretty mindful – if I let my mind wander, I will have no idea what pose we’re doing next - (it has happened)!

I always welcome beginners to my classes but give variations for those that want to advance further. I like to create a safe, welcoming community feel with aromatherapy and fairy lights – an upgrade to your usual gym or church hall vibe. I don’t take myself too seriously and do fall over too – you try balancing whilst looking around the room!

My favourite thing about my job is when I have ladies move from pregnancy to postnatal and I get to meet the wee babies. I love seeing mums reunited from a previous class together. I love hearing about second pregnancies, fertility successes, or mums that have finally managed to escape the house for an evening class just for themselves. I love when someone comes through a recommendation. I love hearing about how the class made you feel or how much you needed it. It reminds me of my purpose and why I started my business.

Thank you all

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